據市場部提供消息,我公司翻譯部近期成功為浪潮電子翻譯商務協議,浪潮電子信息產業(yè)股份有限公司是經山東省經濟體制改革委員會魯體改函字[1998]96 號文批準,并經山東省人民政府魯政字[1999]165 號文同意成立的股份有限公司。由浪潮電子信息產業(yè)集團公司(以下簡稱“浪潮集團”)、煙臺東方電子信息產業(yè)集團有限公司、北京算通科技發(fā)展有限公司、山東時風集團公司、山東金達實業(yè)有限公司、全泰電腦(惠陽)有限公司以發(fā)起設立的方式于1998年10月28日成立,持有注冊號為3700001801789 之企業(yè)法人營業(yè)執(zhí)照。公司注冊資本為21500 萬元。
本協議由浪潮電子信息產業(yè)股份有限公司(以下稱“買方”) 和_ _____ _________ (以下稱“賣方”)于濟南訂立生效。本協議所確立的買賣關系,是買方向賣方采購基于本協議的采購訂單(PO)的基礎;賣方同意按照本協議向買方提供產品與服務。依據本協議所制定的采購訂單、補充協議、及相關修訂書,與本協議構成一個統(tǒng)一的整體,與本協議具有相同的法律效力。
The contract was signed and entered into force in JINAN by the Inspur Electronic Information Industry Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the "buyer") and _ _____ _________ (hereinafter referred to as "Seller"). The established buyer-seller relationship is the basis that the buyer purchasing from the seller based on the purchasing orders of this contract. The seller consents to provide the buyer with products and services in accordance with this contract. Established pursuant to purchasing orders of this Agreement, combined with supplemental agreements, and related modification of conditions constitute a unified whole which hold the same legal effect.